The Center for Psychological Wellness strives to provide Pyschotherapy excellence in high quality, collaborative, clinical, preventive, and developmental services and programs to the residents of Rhode Island and neighboring areas. The Wellness Center utilizes a broad range of treatment modalities and is dedicated to remaining up-to-date on developments in the fields of assessment, mental health, and evidence-based treatments. Our style is collaborative as we work closely with local school departments, daycare facilities, and physicians to provide an appropriate level of care.
The Center for Psychological Wellness believes that emotional and psychological wellness begins with awareness, acceptance, and the possibility of change. Learning to adapt and cope with major life events, as well as daily life stressors, is fundamental in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our clients’ quality of life is of great importance and The Wellness Center often integrates treatment and assessment in order to obtain diagnostic clarification so appropriate treatment plans/interventions can be developed.